The robbery case that took the life of Parahyangan University Professor’s son Prof. Koerniatmanto, Harindaka Maruti (20), reached its climax. On Tuesday (22/1), the Bandung District Court judges sentenced them to 5 defendants, namely Amirudin alias Samsi Arifin, Hendra aka Een, Muhammad Edi Iskandar alias Iis, Riki Alias Kiki and Alam Nasro.
Alam Nasro won its first turn at the hearing held in Room III of the Bandung District Court. Chief Judge Dulaemi gave a two-year prison sentence. Based on this decision, the defendant accepted it.
Then, proceed with the trial Amiruddin alias Amir alias Samsi Arifin. The panel of judges is of the view that he is proven to have committed a crime as regulated in Article 1 paragraph (1) Emergency Law No. 12/1951 concerning possession of firearms.
“To try and sentence the defendant to 2.5 years in prison,” said Dulaemi in reading the verdict.
The sentence itself is the same as that proposed by the Public Prosecutor Himawan. Based on the decision, both the defendant and the Public Prosecutor took a second step.
After the panel of judges changed chairs, from Dulaemi to Estining, the trial was continued with two other defendants, who were united in one file, namely Hendra alias Een and Muhammad Edi Iskandar alias Iis. The panel of judges said that both of them were proven to have committed acts of theft with violence that resulted in the loss of the lives of others.
“Sentencing the defendants Hendra alias Een and Muhammad Edi Iskandar with imprisonment for 8 years,” Estining said.
This sentence itself is one year lighter than the demands of the prosecutor. However, prosecutors and defendants were concerned about the decision given by the judges.
Finally, Riki alias Kiki. The panel of judges also holds the same view, if he participates in theft with violence which results in the loss of the lives of others. Therefore, the panel of judges, who were members of GN Arthanaya and Dulaemi, sentenced him to two years in prison, which he responded thoughtfully.
The case itself began when the five defendants, along with their friend who was still at large, managed to steal a laptop and some money. Unlucky, Harindaka was shot dead by the perpetrators while pursuing.
Previously, the perpetrators numbered four people and rode the two motorbike types in action at Koerniatmanto’s house on Jalan Cigadung Indah No 68, RT 5/6, Cigadung Urban Village, Cibeunying Kaler District, Friday, April 20, 2012.
The perpetrators took a unit of Sony Vaio brand laptop and 6 thousand dollars in the house.
One of the suspects who became the executor of the Harindaka shooting, has yet to be caught. In the trial itself, neither the victim’s family nor relatives were seen. (AVILA DWIPUTRA)